
The Catalan Society of Numismatic Studies (SCEN), subsidiary society of the Institute of Catalan Studies (IEC) and established in 1979, has as a main purpose the research on the different areas of numismatics, not only coins, but also medals, banknotes, tokens, coupons and other paramonetary objects, and generally every single instrument used to ease transactions. The SCEN also promotes knowledge, study and dissemination of Numismatics and coin history. The preferred geographic and historic area of interest is the one that comprises the territories that once formed the old Catalan-Aragonese Crown.

The society is only integrated by researchers as having published some study is a pre-condition to become a member. However, other interested individuals can also become members, but only as collaborators. The SCEN is the only scientific group of its speciality in the Catalan-speaking area.