
Article 1
The Catalan Society of Numismatic Studies (SCEN) is a subsidiary society of the Institute of Catalan Studies (IEC) and it’s integrated in the Historical-Archaeological Section. Its purposes are:

First: Knowledge of the different branches of the history of the coin, medals, paramonetary objects, and all kind of intermediate instrument used for trade and transactions.

Second: Promotion and advice regarding all the activities aimed at increasing the knowledge, study, and dissemination of Numismatics.

Article 2
The SCEN is governed by the present Statutes, its Internal Regulations, and both the Statutes and the Internal Regulations of the IEC.

Article 3
The address of the SCEN is the same one as IEC’s.

Article 4
The Society develops its activities in the territories of Catalan tongue and culture.

Catalan language will be the Society’s language and it will be used in its activities and publications. This does not exclude the publication of collaborations written in a different language if it’s the author’s mother tongue. The exceptions to this regulation must be approved by the Society’s Board of Directors.

Article 5
The government bodies of the Society are the General Assembly and the Directors Board.

Article 6
The General Assembly is the sovereign governing body of the Society and is formed by all the full members taking part in it, with equal rights.

The General Assembly of members meets when the president convenes it or when one-third of the members request a meeting. The Assembly must regularly meet once a year to approve the accounts of the previous year and the budget of the current one, as well as every four years (or earlier, in exceptional cases) to elect or re-elect a Board of Directors.

Article 7
The Board of Directors manages the Society and serves as its representatives, administrators, and executive body of the Assembly. The Board is formed by a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer, and the number of additional members considered necessary to achieve the goals of the Society, up to a maximum amount of ten. The duration of the Board of Directors mandate is four years and may be re-elected by the General Assembly.
The functions of each position are as follows:


—Representing the Society.

—Convening the Board of Directors and the General Assembly.

—Attending the IEC’s Section and General meetings with a seat and a vote, according to the IEC’s Statutes and the Internal Regulation.

—Acting as a member of the Commission of Subsidiary Societies.

—Informing the Section about the activities and internal functioning of the Society, in coordination with the IEC delegate.


—Replacing the president in case of absence or express delegation.


—Documenting the proceedings of the Directors Board and the General Assembly meetings.

—In coordination with the president, preparing the agenda of the Board of Directors and General Assembly meetings.

—Publishing annual reports.

—Notifying the IEC Permanent Council of the monthly program of activities and the changes produced in the Board of Directors.

—Transferring the annual report to the IEC Secretary General through the competent Section.


—Managing the accounts of the Society.

—Managing and collecting the membership fees.

—Attending to payments.

—Preparing the account balances for the General Assemblies.

Rest of Directors Board members:

—Collaborating in the social activities, according to the agreements taken by the Directors Board.

Article 8
A full or emeritus member of the IEC, elected by the Historical-Archaeological Section and ratified by its members, shall act as the delegate of the IEC Directors Board and shall be accountable to the IEC for the publications and public events of the Society.
The delegate may be convened at the meetings of the Society’s Board of Directors and will act as liaison between the IEC and the Society.

Article 9
The Society will have an Editorial Committee formed by the individuals appointed by the Board of Directors. The Head of Publications shall be one of its members.

Article 10
Founding members and those subsequently admitted may be considered as full members.
To be admitted, applicants must present a scientific curriculum and be approved by the General Assembly.
The member is obliged to pay the established membership fee and committed to attending the events organized by the Society and to collaborate in its regular publications.

The Society may elect honorary members among the individuals who are distinguished for the excellence of their scientific work in their specialty or for their collaboration in the SCEN activities. The honorary members are not obliged to pay membership fees.
The Board of Directors may admit associate members, who will have the right to attend SCEN activities and to receive its publications, as long as they pay the same membership fee as the members. Associate members do not have the obligation to submit a scientific curriculum but do not have the right to vote and to be elected members of the Directors Board. The institutions may also have the consideration of associate members.
Full or associate members shall lose their status if they fail to pay the membership fee for two years or if their actions contravene the SCEN goals. In the latter case, the General Assembly approval will be required.

Article 11
The Society may organize workgroups, sections and commissions it considers necessary to develop its activities as well as create the instruments and structure to achieve its goals.

Article 12
The resources of the Society are:

1. Ordinary resources: Membership fees and the IEC monetary contributions.
2. Extraordinary resources: Subsidies and the donations granted by entities or individuals, and the movable or immovable properties that, for any reason, have become
part of the Society.

Article 13
An Internal Regulation, approved by the General Assembly, will regulate the functioning of the Society in the aspects that are not envisaged in the present Statutes.

Article 14
The dissolution of the Society must be proposed unanimously by the Board of Directors or by request from a majority of the full members of the Society.
The agreement shall be approved in an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly. It shall not become effective as long as ten full members express their will to continue the Society. The Historical-Archaeological Section must bet informed and receive a formal proposal. The Society shall remain in force if the Permanent IEC Council does not deliver a favorable opinion and the IEC members do not approve it by an absolute majority.

Article 15
The present Statutes may be revised in a General Assembly called for altering the statutes.
The reform will only be valid with the favorable vote of the simple majority of the full members attending the meeting and the approval of the IEC members.

Article 16
In case of dissolution, the Society’s properties and documentation will be transfered to the IEC.

Article 17
These Statutes, which replace those that were written when the Society was founded, will enter into force after the favorable opinion of the members of the IEC. These Statutes were approved by the General Assembly of the SCEN on May 18, 1991, and approved by the members of the IEC in the meeting held on May 21, 1991.