«Medallística» Collection

Author: Casanova i Mandri, Rossend

El segell a la medalla

Publication date: 2022 – 2023
Physical description: 89 p. : color illustrations ; 27 cm
Institutions: Societat Catalana d’Estudis Numismàtics (Institut d’Estudis Catalans)
ISBN: 978-84-9965-667-0
Collection: “Medallística”, 4
Publisher: SCEN (IEC)



Catalog of the exhibition “El segell a la medalla. Homenatge a Ferran de Sagarra” curated by Dr. Rossend Casanova (SCEN), and held from  3 to 17 of November of 2022 in the cloister of “Casa de Convalescència”, headquarter of “Institut d’Estudis Catalans”, as part fo the colloquiumi “La sigil·lografia medieval a Catalunya i a l’Europa mediterrània. Estudis comparatius”.

Author: Casanova i Mandri, Rossend

La Medalla en l’obra de Ramon Ferran

Publication date: 2021
Physical description: 302 p. : il·l. color ; 30 cm
Institutions: Societat Catalana d’Estudis Numismàtics (Institut d’Estudis Catalans) / Institut Municipal Reus Cultura (Ajuntament de Reus)
ISBN: 978-84-9965-589-5
Collection: “Medallística”, 3
Publisher: SCEN (IEC) in coedition with the Institut Municipal Reus Cultura (Ajuntament de Reus)


Ramon Ferran (1927-2015), an artist from Reus with an important engraving and sculpture production, is too one of the main representative figures of the medal production in Catalonia. His earliest medals date back to 1957 and, since then and during all of his career, he found in the medal the medium with which to express his creativity.

Ferran took part frequently in the International Exhibitions of the Artist’s Medal, promoted by the FIDEM, and in other local, national and international exhibitions. Having developed an important work of author, he collaborated in both public and private sectors, such as the Fábrica de la Moneda y Timbre (Madrid) and Acuñaciones Españolas (Barcelona), and worked in some coining and casting workships, such as the Foneria Artística Ginfer in Reus and the Taller Vallmitjana in Barcelona.

This catalogue includes his text “Motivacions sobre la medalla i la meva obra” (“Motivations regarding the medal and my work”, 1985), puts together his entire medal production and, for the first time, lists all of his medals, up to 426, which makes him the most prolific medal engraver of all times in Catalonia.



Author: Boada Salom, Jaume

Les medalles de proclamació de les terres de parla catalana: Catalunya, València i Balears (1724-1843)

Publication date: 2018
Physical description: 278 p. : b/w illustrations ; 30 cm
Institutions: Societat Catalana d’Estudis Numismàtics (Institut d’Estudis Catalans) / Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics
ISBN: 978-84-9965-412-6
Collection: “Medallística” ; 2
Publisher: Societat Catalana d’Estudis Numismàtics (IEC) in coedition with the Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics.


Most proclamations of the kings of Spain during the 18th and 19th centuries were publicly celebrated with a kind of duality: on one hand, several solemn ceremonies were held in which both the authorities and the people rendered an inconditional adherence to the new monarch in exchange of new hopes, normally vain, for a better and happier life; on the other, big public celebrations were unleashed, where people of all the social classes were permitted to live lousely for a time. The first day of celebration, an oficial and traditional ritual was carried out where, after the proclamation and the rise of the royal banner, many commemorative medals were thrown to the audience and provoked people’s rush to catch them. This book does not only describe those numismatic items and bring new light on them with unpublished information (manufactured amounts, engravers and silversmiths who made them, etc.), but also puts them in their context and gives some descriptions of the feasts where they were thown by using information obtained from first hand archival sources.


Author: Marín Silvestre, Maria Isabel

L’obra medallística de l’escultor Eusebi Arnau

Publication date: 2005
Physical description: 110 p. : b/w illustrations; 30 cm
Institutions: Societat Catalana d’Estudis Numismàtics (Institut d’Estudis Catalans)
ISBN: 84-7283-820-X
Collection: “Medallística” ; 1
Publisher: IEC



This work by Isabel Marín discovers a biographic profile of the distinguished sculptor Eusebi Arnau, one of the most prominent authors of Modernism in Catalonia, and the origins of his work, including many sculpture works applied to arquitecture (Casa de Lactància, chimneys of Fonda Espanya, etc.). He also created many freestanding sculpture and jewelry works, and was a prominent medal engraver. This book focuses on this aspect of the artist by mean of an explanation of the origins of his works and a systematical catalogue of all of his medal production. The author earned her doctoral degree through a study of Eusebi Arnau’s full work.